This page is the Bridgeville Chase Neighborhood Event Page. Anyone wishing to post a neighborhood event to our event page should send it to one of the Board of Directors so it can be posted on our website.
General Notification to all Bridgeville Chase Homeowners. There are 3 storm management pond areas in Bridgeville Chase, two of them have very easy access from Meadow Drive. Just a reminder, these pond areas are private property. Please have respect for the owners of these properties. They are not owned by the Bridgeville Chase HOA. PLEASE KEEP YOUR VEHICLE ON THE PAVEMENT
Please, the HOA is asking residents and their guests to be careful when driving around the neighborhood so as not to create ruts on anyone’s lawn. Please stay on the asphalt road.
We will be updating this page as soon as more info. is available. If any member has something they would like to have posted on our website, please email me Art Klein [email protected].
Annual Community Yard Sale is in May of each year. Next yard sale will be May 2025. Date TBA
BOD Meeting Are the 1st Thursday of April, August and December at 10:30 am. Please notify a board member of your plans to attend. Homeowners are always welcome. Next Meeting TBA
General Membership Meetings (GMM) – The General Meeting will be Saturday, October 19 at the Bridgeville Library starting at 9:30 am.
Check back regularly.